The agreement signed between ARISE IS, the leading infrastructure solutions provider in Africa, and the government of Togo formalizes the Lomé-Cinkassé road project. ARISE Infrastructure Services, of which Africa Finance Corporation (AFC) is one of the main shareholders, will put its expertise at the service of the development of this axis which will eventually connect the capital of Togo to the border town with Burkina Faso, located 700km North.
Aligned with Togo’s National Development Plan (NDP), this significant construction project will provide the Togolese Republic with a modern road which will ease the transport of people and goods, boost domestic trade and increase road safety.

The joint venture provides for:
- Concession starting with signing of the concession agreement (scheduled for Q3 2021).
- Construction of 2×2 lanes within three years after signing.
- Total project costs to be estimated during preliminary studies and be borne by shareholders of the Project Company.
- A Togolese-based company will be created to oversee the development of the project and launch the preliminary feasibility studies (incl. traffic, revenue modelling, technical studies, E&S analysis, insurance). Definitive feasibility studies and the signing of the concession agreement are expected for Q2 2021, with the view to start construction works by Q3 2021. Road building companies will be selected through a tendering process.