PIA’s ICD benefits include

- Less yard congestion at PAL,
- Increased quayside productivity / potential for more vessel calls,
- Faster gate operations,
- Additional revenue / additional charge in ICD per TEU,
- More competitive marketplace / country attractiveness,
- Less traffic accidents and injuries on highways,
- Reduction of informal / illicit activities,
- Increased visibility on trade statistics and transparency,
- Reduction of congestion around the Port area,
- More control on the weight of trucks for transit cargo,
- Safe & secure locations with amenities to wait,
- Immediate access to cargo to load for the trip back,
- No traffic fines for parking on the roads / gas stations,
- Increased clarity on the documentation & clearance,
- Less truck detention fees,
- Less container demurrage fees,
- Increased visibility of cargo,
- Removes of monopolistic environment from shipping lines.
- Better working capital for exporters,
- Efficient stuffing and destuffing operations by mechanical means,
- Concrete platform to ensure complete safety and no damage to containers parked inside the container yard,
- Easy access to the main highway N1 connecting to hinterland regions of Togo and landlocked countries of sub-Saharan Africa,
- Quick and efficient operations to ensure savings on demurrage and delay costs,
- Zone secured by security professionals round the clock,
- Annual handling capacity to cater 550,000 TEUs (by 2030).
Key features:
- A total capacity of 12,500 TEU containers,
- A 1.75 hectare unloading and stuffing area,
- 247 connection points for receiving reefer containers,
- Latest generation handling equipment including four reach stackers, two ECH, 12 forklifts, etc.
- Two weighbridges and an axle weigher in accordance with current regulations,
- Single window (easy administrative formalities),
- OCR system.

Key differentiating regulatory factors:
- ISO 45001: 2018 standards been incorporated into ICD processes and SOPs.
- Using engineering controls to protect workers & ensure equipment safety.
- Hierarchical risk management systems in place to manage potential risk factors.
- Completed ISO certification due diligence and preparing ICD for external audits in June 2022.
- ISPS code security measures being implemented with developed action plans.
- Completed ISPS Audit (PFSA) and ISPS Management Plan (PFSP).
- Maritime Ministry / Port of Lomé Security officer inspections.
Following administrative offices and facilities are accommodated in single office:
- PIA customer service
- OTR (Customs)
- Port Autonomous d’Lome (PAL)
- Bureau freight
- Phytosanitaire
- CHA workstations
- Four banks